Monday, January 30, 2012

Computing Goes Green

    The ever-increasing development and use of technology within businesses brings about the need for the appropriate infra-structure to support such equipments. The most common types of support systems for an entire business information system are the data centers or “computer rooms.” Every medium to large business that holds a network of electronic information systems needs a data room to hold mainframes and/or servers. These structures are essential to the functioning of the entire information system and they have been growing exponentially in accordance with the increase in technology usage around the world. However, being able to maintain and develop such structure requires a lot of energy and contingency planning.
    As the number of data centers increase world-wide we are faced with some disquieting issues. Energy consumption is a huge business and social issue, as businesses have to pay higher electric bills and the demand for electricity in cities/states/countries increases. The cooling systems associated with data centers are also an issue, provided that its overheating leads to the system’s failure and the consequences may hit business and society hard – for example, a hospital information system should always be operational. As these issues become more evident consequences of data center support systems, the opportunity door opens for the solutions within this arena.
    Some solutions are quite simple. IT managers have software options that conserve power through shutting computers off when not in use. New operation systems are being designed to provide clients with enhanced sleep features, which will soon become a standard. Hardware solutions are also available, such as thin client computers, which brings us back to the time where computers were connected to (nowadays) super-mainframes. In regards to overheating problems, some companies are choosing to invest in cooling solutions that range from intelligent air conditioning systems to customized air pipes containing waterless refrigerant.
    These solutions obviously come at a cost to companies. Investing on an entire air conditioning system may be very expensive, but the system may pay itself off over the years. Other paybacks are shorter, such as when implementing energy saving software that may trim up to 50 percent of energy bills – it all depends on the business. The new sleep options that come with the newer operating systems are basically a value-added feature that will be common in the near future, as the energy consumption issue becomes more evident. Businesses will have more solutions as the embedded systems industry keeps striving to develop microchips that require less and less energy.
    Green computing is a new trend that is here to stay. Green computing is about maximizing an information system’s efficiency while ensuring its reliability; what business does not need that? The average manager may be unaware of the opportunity of resources allocation that green computing brings, which is why businesses should definitely explore this arena. This is why companies such as Verizon, Google, Microsoft, HSBC and Hewlett Packard are investing heavily in green computing solutions. As a manager, you should explore green computing opportunities as a way to save your company money while ensuring that its information systems will remain reliable and efficient.         

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Know who you want to know

    New York Times bestselling author and marketing guru Michael Port describes in his article "Know who you want to know" the importance of knowing the business or person that you are contacting. He starts out the article describing a personal experience with someone that approached him asking for business, but who was poorly prepared knowledge-wise. Mr. Port claims that approaching someone without gaining some business intelligence first is worse than simply being ineffective; it is also a turnoff.
    Mr. Port describes tactics in order to be well a prepared salesperson based on these business intelligence concepts. He reinforces that a good salesperson must show up in the know with all the people that they want to know. As long as you are prepared confidence and effectiveness will naturally come to you. The author lists seven tactics in order to implement the ideas discussed in the article.
    First of all, you should know what motivates the person you want to know. It might be business, family or hobbies. Then, you have to research what they’ve accomplished, which can be done through an online search. Thirdly, find out what you have in common – how are your paths crossed? It is also important to know who they know, since both of you might have mutual friends/contacts. Also, try to find out what challenges them, such as knowing the competition they face in business. To wrap it up, you should let them know how they have helped you (be complimentary) and let them know why you are indispensable.


    Mr. Port points out in this article one of the most important aspects of business, which is business intelligence. Knowing who you’re dealing with in depth is not only a sign of business knowledge, but also a notice of respect and interest. In-depth knowledge should not be overly invasive, but good enough to appreciably touch people’s emotions. In the end, these impressions and reactions do influence in business decisions and could be a differential factor in a negotiation, sale, or meeting.
    The author provided us with seven hints to be more effective and remarkable in regards to business intelligence. Finding out what motivates your contacts can be easily done by noticing their office surroundings. Books, pictures, and other things sitting on their desks are a good clue. Try to learn from them what they are genuinely interested in. It is fairly simple to assess what they’ve accomplished through online search engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo!) and online networking websites (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter) currently available. You can see peoples’ faces and learn what awards, public recognitions, or publication announcements exist in regards to them. Based off of that, you can also do your search for commonalities and become more connected to the individual(s) through your common interests.
    Luckily, the online options available cover many of the important aspects of business intelligence. Through these tools you can also easily learn about who they know, and thus assess further connections you may have. Do you have same Facebook friends or Twitter followers? This is a great way to stay connected! Online search engines are an easy way to find their competitor’s websites and learn more about what challenges your target people. In the end, it is important to be appreciative of the support you have received. Let them know how their work and opinions have affected you through a thank you note, e-mail, or phone call. Lastly, make sure to re-state that you are indispensable to them by letting them know why you believe that your help will make their lives easier, better, fuller with the benefits of your product/service.

Gustavo Stille  MBA